Discovering, developing and funding like-minded businesses, Common Knowledge believes in the value of building relationships. Looking for partners that create mutual benefit, we have a focus geared towards the music, events and media industry. We are constantly seeking opportunities, and are open to all forms of discussion and collaboration, attracting partners who believe in fluidity, growth and intelligent ideas.



Duncan+ is a creative and art director, specialising in working with music projects. Through cultural touchpoints, their asset work communicates an underlying visual style, while remaining intentional to a project’s vision. As an art director, they use a flexible approach to developing ideas, nurturing and transforming seeds into fully grown concepts, and making the connections necessary for harmonious executions.

Lab 54

With the motto ‘anywhere but a club’, Lab 54 specialises in shifting the space of music events and building a business on their love for parties. Founder Joe Gordan has managed to curate and capture uniquely situated events in all their glory, having the culture of filming every moment. Their services include ticked events, brand activations, private parties, and corporate events. This year, they have been seen organising events in Miami, Australia and many domestically here in the UK.